
Lakeisha McCree
1 min readFeb 17, 2021

JavaScript and I have a love/hate relationship. From the beginning, I was intrigued, but it was still daunting. Impostor Syndrome really started to kick in again. The thoughts of not being able to do this and should I just quit entered my head daily. I watched countless videos and read so many articles, but something wasn’t clicking. It wasn’t until I got into my project that I actually began to take in some information. Note to self: I learn better by doing.

One important aspect of my project was to use fetch, which in short, is sending a request to the network and loading new information to the page without having to reload the page. Are there other ways to send a request? Yes, but for my project I used fetch. The term fetch falls under the umbrella of the “AJAX” term, which is short for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.

You fetch a JSON file across the network and print it to the console. The use of etch takes one argument, which is the path to the resource that you want to fetch, and returns a promise containing the response.

Fetch was an important aspect of this section to learn and understand.

I am a black woman.

I am a mother.

I am a software engineer.

