Project #2 Sinatra

Lakeisha McCree
1 min readAug 18, 2020

Starting this project, I did not feel as prepared as I thought that I would. I was a little intimidated. As I began, one of the most important things that I learned is to have fun. These are my creations coming to life and it’s all a learning experience. Impostor syndrome was really kicking in. Throughout the project, I googled everything non-stop because I wanted to make sure that I fully understood what I was doing. I loved learning and setting up my controllers because they made life a little easier.

Routes were also something new and unfamiliar to me. I tend to get excited when things start working within my projects. So when my routes were created and running correctly, I was overjoyed.

An issue that I ran into was my edit route. I had to refine my code so that one user could not edit another users destination.

This project was challenging and it pushed me past my comfort zone. I am becoming more comfortable with learning new things and pushing myself past the point of comfort in order to grow. I look forward to updating this post with pics and code snippets in the near future.

I am a black woman.

I am a mom.

I am a software engineer.

