Ruby on Rails Project #3

Lakeisha McCree
Nov 20, 2020


Going into this project, I was really nervous. I didn’t feel like I was prepared as I should have been to begin this project. It was another case of imposter syndrome, sinking in. So I came up with the idea of using a previous project topic, Travel. Hence, Traveler was born. Starting off, I was a little confused about the order in which I should go about completing the project. So, I completed my migrations table, added in my models and their relationships, wrote my routes, and created my controllers and views.

Then came time for scope methods and validations. What were those again??? Fear started to sink in, like could I really do this? So I started with my validations, which I considered the gatekeepers. These check and make sure that the data is good before passing it to the database. These validations went into my models. In Rails, using validations are easy, built-in helpers are provided, and you’re allowed to create custom validation methods. My create, save, and update methods trigger my validations.

Now it was time for my scope methods. Scopes are custom queries defined in your scope method. Scopes result in cleaner code, are used for only one thing, and aren’t mixed with other methods.

All in all, this project was not as bad as I thought it could have been. I learned a lot and will continue to build different projects to solidify my learning.

I am a black woman.

I am a mother.

I am a software engineer.

